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One of the fundamental pillars of Canadian Immigration is family reunification. Canadian citizens and permanent residents can sponsor their applicable family members if they meet the eligibility criteria.

Sponsor Eligibility

  • The sponsor must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • The sponsor must be at least 18 years of age
  • The sponsor must not be in any receipt of social assistance other than disability
  • The sponsor must reside in Canada or have intent to return (applicable to spousal, common law, and conjugal partner sponsorship)
  • The sponsor must not be convicted of attempting, threatening to commit or committing a crime that constitutes a criminal offence in Canada.


Eligible sponsors can sponsor their family members under family class which includes the following:

  • Spouse, Common Law Partner, and Conjugal Partner.
  • Parents and Grandparents
  • Biological or adopted children


Canadian provinces have their own respective family sponsorships programs in accordance with provincial requirements.

To sponsor your family member or a relative to come to Canada, contact us and we will advise you on the best option according to your needs. Please note siblings and other relatives can only be sponsored under special circumstances or under certain provincial programs.


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