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Other Streams & Services

Rural & Northern Immigration

It is a community driven pilot program designed to spread economic benefits of experienced skilled workers within participating communities. Eligible candidates should have a valid job offer from an employer within the community and can apply for permanent residence application when recommended by the community.

the communities will:

  • assess prospective candidates who:
    • best fit the economic needs of these community
    • have a genuine employment opportunity that meets their community requirements
    • have the intention of staying in the community
  • recommend candidates for permanent residence to IRCC for a final decision.
  • connect newcomers with settlement services and mentoring opportunities with established members of the community

Home Support Worker Pilot

Home support workers with experience or training (non-housekeeping) with a post-secondary Canadian education credential of one year or more may be eligible to apply for work permit under pilot if they have a valid job offer with positive LMIA. With 24-month work experience Home support workers can apply for permanent residence.


Appeals against IRCC decisions can be made at respective forums of Immigration Appeal Division or Refugee Appeal Divisions. Immigration issues such as detentions, removal orders, admissibility and others can be appealed at IAD.

Permanent Resident Applications

Permanent residence applications may seem easy but often involve a lot of confusion and may result in critical mistakes. We can review or assist your application and represent you.


Permanent residents who have completed residency of 1065 days in last five years can apply for citizenship

Contact us if you are looking for representation or assistance regarding your application.

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